Understanding At A Glance | Mass Ingenuity
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Understand the benefits and how to use the At a Glance Pathway

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Understanding At A Glance

Learning Objectives

At a Glance can be accessed in the left menu, and it contains Measure Summary and Measure Detail. The primary benefit is that it allows quick access to view any specific map in the database or to search and view against the entire database. Each of the At a Glance options of Measure Summary or Measure Detail can be set to a specific map in the drop box option or you can set it to display information on the entire database by setting to All.

Measure Summary is a donut chart showing the current Measure Status for all measures within a given Map, Measure Status can be Green, Yellow, Red, or it may have No Threshold Set or No Data Entered.


Measure Detail shows a chart of Measures within a given Map, showing the Code, Measure Name, Owner, the Last Date, Current Value, Status, Next Due Date and Days Remaining.

The Search function can be used to filter this list by any of these columns, and the list can be exported to CSV or Excel.

Please watch the video for a walkthrough of these functions.

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