How EPM Supports Your ERP

Some people mistake enterprise resource planning (ERP) as being the same as enterprise performance management (EPM). However, both these business tools are distinct and encompass a set of different functions that are equally essential to business organizations. To begin with, enterprise resource planning involves the automation of business processes and the collection of pertinent data […]
The Value of Data-Driven Organizations

The companies that are growing and scaling and reaching their business objectives year after year are the ones that collect, evaluate, and make decisions based on data. There’s still space in the corporate world for experience, intuition, and instinct. And those characteristics can help generate ideas that are validated by data. Data alone is useless […]
Monthly Tracking Isn’t Enough

Ongoing performance data tracking and analysis has evolved into an absolute necessity for all organizations. Now more than ever, organizations of all sizes in both the private and public sectors are leveraging their data to identify actionable insights to better meet customer needs. However, few organizations recognize the power of frequent data tracking and analysis. […]
Big Data and How To Manage It

Data is both common and invaluable and within that data lies insights that could impact an organization’s processes and performance. There are seemingly infinite insights a business can pull from their data and numerous reasons to utilize big data analytics software. However, many organizations are overwhelmed by the data they have available to them. They […]
Making Strategy Deployment a Reality

You may be drowning in data, have the wrong data, or have no data at all. But the speed and digitization of business demands rapid decision making and a willingness to break incrementalism strategy into small bits for other parts of your organization to complete. Tracking the meaningful activities of your entire organization and visualizing […]