Ongoing performance data tracking and analysis has evolved into an absolute necessity for all organizations. Now more than ever, organizations of all sizes in both the private and public sectors are leveraging their data to identify actionable insights to better meet customer needs.
However, few organizations recognize the power of frequent data tracking and analysis. This core data competency is needed to establish a data-driven culture throughout core business operations. In fact, it is vital to track your organization’s data on a daily and weekly, not only on a monthly basis, in order to achieve outstanding performance outcomes for your customers and stakeholders.
Below are four (4) important reasons it is vital that you track your business data more frequently than monthly.
1. Frequent Data Tracking Will Allow You To Gain More Actionable Insights Into Your Operations And Discover New Business Opportunities.
Tracking your company’s data consistently, when combined with leveraging a powerful enterprise performance software, will enable you and your team to gain more valuable real-time insights quicker. This definitely means you will be able to act on them promptly and efficiently steer your business towards the path you desire in a stress-free manner.

This, of course, includes gaining more actionable insights into your spending, growth, and even profitability. In turn, you and your team can then use such data to help you in creating metrics that drive action, streamline process workflows, problem-solving and establish line-of-sight accountability for decision-making. This is exactly what happened at Gerber Legendary Blades and you can get all the details here:
Also, with consistent data tracking using top-of-the-line tools like Results Software, you can constantly use their potent reporting capabilities including IT dashboard reporting to determine trends and your firm’s progress in real-time. Besides aiding you and your team in accessing more actionable insights, constant data tracking will enable you to discover and act on a variety of opportunities to grow and expand your organization’s operations. To this end, you and your team will be able to determine the areas of your business that are doing exceptionally well and what can be done to fast-track the benefits they yield. You’ll also obtain a more precise forecasting capability which always comes into play in exploiting trends in the market and aligning your business to seize new opportunities.
2. Tracking your data on a frequent basis will help your strategic plans, decision-making processes, and achieving organizational goals.
When you track your business data constantly, you and your team will be able to evaluate performance over different periods of time more consistently.

In turn, this may help in accurately demonstrating where you have achieved, exceeded, or perhaps, fallen short of your objectives. You will be able to minutely figure out trends in your performance and your current progress at any given duration of time. All of which can play a significant role when it comes to setting future business objectives, streamlining your decision-making processes, and strategic planning efforts.
3. Tracking your data on a frequent basis will enable you to meet and even exceed customer’s or stakeholders expectations.
By simply leveraging real-time insights on what is working well and what isn’t at an organization-wide level, you will be in an excellent position to fulfill the expectations of customers in a markedly hassle-free manner. With the insights gained from your data analysis, you’ll be able to identify trends in the market and even navigate change more effectively.

In turn, your products/services can be intentionally designed to meet or even exceed your clientele base’s needs and preferences. On the other hand, if you are in the public sector, the focus of your operations isn’t business intelligence, but rather on outcomes and accountability to enable stakeholders to derive better gains and improvements in service delivery.
Regularly tracking and analyzing the data generated from your organization’s operations will undoubtedly help you in obtaining actionable insights on streamlining your processes and minimizing waste, articulating your goals, and managing their execution.
Additionally, doing so will go a long way in empowering your employees and involving them in your strategic planning and decision-making, which will make them more engaged and motivated. An excellent example of this is the case of Arizona State, which made the smart decision to implement Results Software. This led to better problem-solving organization-wide, more employee engagement among other tangible gains that you can read about here
4. Tracking your data on a frequent basis will help you streamline your business operations and preempt issues before they get out of hand.
With good enterprise performance software, you and your team will be in an excellent position to constantly track operational data from diverse sources at any given period of time. In turn, this will prevent your different departments from working in silos and establish cross-department collaboration and communication.

More importantly, it can furnish you with extremely coherent insights on critical factors like faults, exceptions, and even improvements. At the same time, you and your team will obtain real-time insights into planning for growth, risk, revenue, and so on, and immensely improve the precision and timeliness of your company’s decisions on its core business functions.
Also, routine data tracking may highlight potential issues and bottlenecks before they can get out of hand. If you only track your data on a monthly basis, it is highly probable you will miss out on rapidly identifying issues along with anomalies which can prove to be a costly mistake in the long term. When you go out of your way to constantly track your data, you will be in a better position to quickly figure out what caused such problems, and zero in on exactly where they began. In such situations, you and your team can even be able to preempt the issues rapidly or devise ways to resolve them faster and ensure they don’t occur again.
Mass Ingenuity’s Results Software
Results Software is the finest enterprise performance management tool available, easy to set up and use. By leveraging its powerful, real-time data analytics capabilities, you and your team will obtain more actionable insights on virtually all your core operations to fast-track your organization’s decision-making, forecasting, and strategic planning efforts.
Kelly Ferguson,
Chief Operating Officer