So far in this series, I have been introducing team members of Mass Ingenuity to you. Today, I’d like to introduce one of our clients. He is Frank Kenny. Frank has dedicated his career to working with Chambers of Commerce around the world.
Frank is a successful entrepreneur, chamber member, chamber board member, chamber board of directors chair, and chamber President/CEO.

He now coaches chamber professionals, consults with chambers, trains staff and members, and speaks professionally. He helps Chambers and Chamber Professionals reach their goals.
He has worked with hundreds of chambers over the past 10 years on their staff and member training, strategic planning, board retreats and orientations, social media, digital marketing, technology, and most other areas of chamber work.

As a chamber professional, his team was one of the first to embrace social media and digital marketing. Within 18 months of launching their campaigns, the membership of that 45-year-old chamber had doubled.
Frank recently started using Results Software for his own business and has shared his excitement for the platform with Chamber professionals across the country. Below is his video testimonial.
Best regards,
Aaron Howard, CEO